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Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic

26 March 2020

Coping with stress and fear during the pandemic

Life has become incredibly stressful, uncertain and challenging for us all as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. And with our all lives changing dramatically, how do we cope with the feelings of stress and anxiety that brings?

The world is currently gripped in a very scary situation because of this virus. It is important to note that we are in the midst of three pandemics:

1. The first pandemic is the fear and panic around COVID-19 and how it might affect us physically, mentally, emotionally and as a society
2. The second is the coronavirus itself
3. The third pandemic, which we are are inevitably going to see in the near future, is the mental health pandemic which is a side effect of what we are currently experiencing

Poor mental health is already one of the biggest issues affecting modern society today, and this is only, very sadly, going to tip many emotionally vulnerable people over the edge.

To cope with this, it’s important to take back your power! Right now we have tremendous power in how we choose to act in this scenario. There is social distancing but it might also be time for social media distancing, too. It might be time to unplug from Facebook, to stop consuming the news because ultimately that may just be putting you into panic and taking your power away.

No matter where you are and what your state of health, you will benefit by disengaging from the panic and fear that crises inevitably trigger in us all. Keeping yourself as positive as you can and being able to make light of even the darkest of situations can massively increase your chances of being able to cope with what is otherwise a heavy situation.
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